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Friday, October 1, 2010

Putting the Bosch Universal Plus to the test

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     So, I am not going to lie, I like to spend time on looking for fun things.  And let's be honest, I'm sure you've had your fair share of "youtube-fix", so here's one for you if you haven't had your fix for the day.

     One day, I decided to search for Bosch Universal Mixer videos and came across this one.  I will put the short version on here, but if you would like to watch the full length version, click here.  In the full length video he does a great job explaining about the improvements Bosch made to the new Universal Plus mixers.
     Although it is shown as capable, it is probably not a good idea to make 9 loaves of bread at home on your Bosch.  It is good to keep it under about 6 loaves.  But these people did prove a point that the Bosch mixer is equipped with a very reliable and powerful motor to do its job and to do it well.  This video is not made by Basic Living, but I thought they did a great job of putting the video together and that you might find some of the information helpful.  

If you do not have a Bosch Universal Plus Kitchen Machine or would like to upgrade from an older model, click here to pick one up at Basic Living.  
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